Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Scary Suncreen news

This is from 2007, but still VERY relevant! We get sunscreen because we want to be SAFE, but lots of them, the ones that are mostly available in places like Target and Walmart and the common drugstore, are DANGEROUS. At best, they don't protect us from the sun's rays, but at worst, they actually have carcinogens IN THEM, exposing us to the very thing we're trying to avoid... CANCER.

Below is the article I found in several newspapers, and the actual website . Be SAFE this summer.

Sunscreen Summary — What Works and What's Safe
In a new investigation of 911 name-brand sunscreens, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found widespread evidence that many products on the market are not safe and effective, including one of every eight high-SPF sunscreens that does not protect from UVA radiation. We have also identified 150 products that offer very good sun protection with ingredients that present minimal health risks to users. Find out which in our best and worst lists.
More Americans than ever are using sunscreen to protect from sunburn and guard against skin cancer. Top choices include products with high SPF ratings, and that are waterproof or that advertise "broad spectrum" protection. Most people trust that the claims on the bottle will ensure that the product truly protects their health and their families'. Nothing could be less certain.
All safe & effective sunscreens
Top selling sunscreens
Read all of EWG's Top Tips In our 18-month investigation we found:

With over one million Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every year, sunscreen bottles have become fixtures summer camp, the beach, pools and picnics . Doctors, public health agencies, and medical associations now routinely recommend using sunscreen to block the sun's harmful rays, and parents are especially careful to slather lotion on their children's sensitive skin before heading outside.
Yet even though skin cancer has reached what has been called epidemic proportions (EPA 2007, WHO 2006), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency responsible for regulating sunscreen, has failed to establish standards for its safety and effectiveness. Instead, FDA recommends that people stay out of the sun from 10 am to 4 pm (FDA 2007a). People who do venture out must navigate dozens of ad-hoc marketing claims on hundreds of sunscreens to find products that they hope will protect their and their families' skin from the sun's harmful rays.

To help consumers find out which sunscreens work until government standards are in place, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) undertook an 18-month investigation, assessing more than 600 name-brand sunscreens to find those that capably block the sun's harmful rays using ingredients that are safe for children and others who are sensitive. We have compiled the first-ever analysis of both the safety and effectiveness of sunscreens.

We have done this work because the government has not. FDA announced it would set sunscreen standards in 1978, but after 29 years has not finished the job. Health authorities unanimously agree that people need sunscreen when they go outside, but they have done nothing to help people decide which products to use, an important gap in advice, because we found major differences in the safety and effectiveness of products:

Our comprehensive scientific review indicates that 84% of 911 sunscreen products offer inadequate protection from the sun, or contain ingredients with significant safety concerns. Only 16% of the products on the market are both safe and effective, blocking both UVA and UVB radiation, remaining stable in sunlight, and containing few if any ingredients with significant known or suspected health hazards. Our assessment is based on a review of nearly 400 scientific studies, industry models of sunscreen efficacy, and toxicity and regulatory information housed in nearly 60 government, academic, and industry databases.
Many products lack UVA protection. Fully 13% of high SPF sunscreens (SPF of at least 30) protect only from sunburn (UVB radiation), and do not contain ingredients known to protect from UVA radiation, the sun rays linked to skin damage and aging, immune system problems, and potentially skin cancer. FDA does not require that sunscreens guard against UVA radiation.
Sunscreens break down in the sun. Parodoxically, many sunscreen ingredients break down in the sun, in a matter of minutes or hours, and then let UV radiation through to the skin. Our analyses show that 52% of products on the market contain ingredients that may be unstable alone or in combination, raising questions about whether these products last as long as the label says. FDA has not proposed requirements for sunscreen stability.
All day protection
Read full list
Questionable product claims are widespread. At least 53% of products on the market bear claims that are considered "unacceptable" or misleading under FDA's draft sunscreen safety standards. Our analysis of marketing claims on hundreds of sunscreen bottles shows that false and misleading marketing claims are common. Claims like "all day protection," "mild as water," and "blocks all harmful rays" are not true, yet are found on bottles. Until FDA sets an effective date for these standards, industry is free to use hyped claims. Companies' decisions to inflate claims has spawned recent class action lawsuits in California.
Many sunscreens contain nano-scale ingredients that raise potential concerns. Micronized and nano-scale zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in sunscreen provide strong UVA protection, and are contained in many of our top-rated products. Repeated studies have found that these ingredients do not penetrate healthy skin, indicating that consumers' exposures would be minimal. Studies on other nano-scale materials have raised concerns about their unique, toxic properties. FDA has failed to approve effective UVA filters available in Europe that, if approved here, could replace nano-scale ingredients.
The U.S. lags behind other countries when it comes to products that work and are safe. FDA has approved just 17 sunscreen chemicals for use in the U.S. At least twenty-nine are approved for use in the E.U. FDA has approved only four chemicals effective in the UVA range for use in the U.S., and has failed to approve new, more effective UVA filters available in the E.U. and Asia.
Some sunscreens absorb into the blood and raise safety concerns. Our review of the technical literature shows that some sunscreen ingredients absorb into the blood, and some are linked to toxic effects. Some release skin-damaging free radicals in sunlight, some act like estrogen and could disrupt hormone systems, several are strongly linked to allergic reactions, and still others may build up in the body or the environment. FDA has not established rigorous safety standards for sunscreen ingredients.
After 29 years of debate, the government has failed to set mandatory sunscreen safety standards. Companies are free to make their own decisions on everything from advertising claims to product quality. In lieu of setting final standards, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises people to stay out of the sun from 10 am to 4 pm. FDA now stands in direct violation a Congressional mandate requiring the agency to finalize sunscreen safety standards by May 2006, flouting not only Congress but also consumers, who are reliant on sunscreen to protect their health.
With no mandatory, comprehensive sunscreen standards in place, products vary widely in safety and effectiveness.
Recommended: 150 products
Caution: 369 products
Avoid: 392 products

Moderately Effective
Not Effective
Low Hazard
29 products
16 products
2 products
Moderate Hazard
211 products
245 products
24 products
High Hazard
158 products
212 products
14 products
Source: EWG analysis of ingredients in 911 name-brand sunscreens, based on a review of publicly available technical literature. [See methodology.]
Study Methodology
EWG's analysis of sunscreens includes customized safety and effectiveness ratings for 911 name-brand products ranging from Coppertone and Banana Boat to Hawaiian Tropic and California Baby. Our ratings are based on a unique, in-house compilation of standard industry, government and academic data sources and models that we have constructed over the past four years, and on an extensive review of the technical literature for sunscreen. We have built product ratings into our popular Skin Deep personal care product safety assessment guide, an online consumer tool that garners about one million searches a month.
For this sunscreen analysis we obtained ingredient listings for 911 sunscreens primarily from online retailers. We constructed health hazard ratings for each product based on our analysis of information from our in-house database comprising nearly 60 standard industry, academic, and government regulatory and toxicity databases. We rated products for overall effectiveness in sun protection considering three factors: UVB protection (using SPF rating as the indicator of effectiveness); UVA protection (using a standard industry absorbance model to compute two standard UVA protection factors); and stability (using a customized stability database compiled from a review of industry and peer-reviewed stability studies). Overall, the methods and content of our analysis are based on our review of the technical sunscreen literature, including nearly 400 industry and peer-reviewed studies.
We compiled the results of our analyses in an online interactive sunscreen guide, launched in tandem with this report. Our analyses show that products vary widely, both in their ability to protect from the sun's harmful UV radiation, and in the inherent safety of the ingredients themselves. FDA has set no mandatory standards for any of these factors, and manufacturers are free to make products that may not protect consumers from the sun and that may not be safe when slathered on the skin.
What's behind our sunscreen investigation911 sunscreens, SPF 15 and higher
Customized rating for each product includes:
Sun hazard (effectiveness) ratings for UVA protection, UVB protection, and stability in sun
Health hazard (safety) ratings for all ingredients
Ingredients evaluated in these sunscreens:
14 of 17 active ingredients approved in the U.S. (the ones found in products)
4 active ingredients approved in other countries (listed as "inactive" ingredients in U.S. sunscreen) 0 other ingredients that act like sunscreen, not officially approved (listed as "inactive" ingredients)-->
1,724 other ingredients (not sunscreen)
Data sources
Nearly 60 definitive toxicity and regulatory databases from industry, government, and academic sources [link to ref list for these]
Nearly 400 industry or peer-reviewed studies reviewed in preparing this sunscreen study see all
FDA has spent the past 29 years drafting sunscreen standards (FDA 2007), which it urges manufacturers to follow voluntarily. FDA has no public plan for setting a date by which these standards would finally become effective and mandatory. In lieu of enforceable standards, each sunscreen manufacturer decides on test methods, marketing claims, and the level of protection they are willing and able to provide consumers. Health authorities recommend sunscreen, but people are left wondering which of the hundreds of sunscreens on store shelves will best protect their and their families' skin from the sun.
Sunscreens are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ways that the chemical industry and the government are failing to protect public health. An extensive body of scientific literature demonstrates that everyone in the world carries in their body hundreds if not thousands of industrial chemicals at any given moment, the result of exposures to contaminants in air, water, and food, and to ingredients in everyday consumer products.
No one understands the health implications of our exposures to complex mixtures of low doses of industrial compounds and pollutants: remarkably, federal health standards do not require companies to test their products for safety before they are sold, including nearly all chemicals in sunscreen and other personal care products, and the federal government approves new chemicals for the market using computer models to predict if they are toxic to humans. These are particularly risky methods given the many studies showing that these pollutants cross the placenta to contaminate babies even before the moment of birth, including a recent study conducted by EWG finding an average of 200 chemicals in umbilical cord blood from 10 newborn babies [read more].
This situation is unacceptable. To protect public health, including the health of the fetus, infant, child and others who are most vulnerable to toxic injury, we recommend:
FDA must set mandatory sunscreen safety standards. As mandated by Congress, FDA must complete their safety standards (the "sunscreen monograph"), and establish a date by which these standards will become mandatory. This study confirms the need for mandatory standards — the voluntary system currently in place leaves the public with many sunscreen products that are not as safe and effective as the public needs and expects.
FDA must develop UVA standards for sunscreen. While FDA has set guidelines for sunburn (UVB) protection, the agency has not established protocols and requirements for UVA protection. This is a critical gap in public health protection. UVA radiation is deeply penetrating and is linked to skin damage, including premature skin aging, wrinkling, and possibly cancer. FDA is charged with regulating sunscreen and protecting public health, and both of those charges demand that the agency set standards for UVA protection.
FDA must approve new, effective and safe sunscreens for use in the U.S. Some sunscreen chemicals have been under review at the Agency for over than a decade. Effective sunscreens not approved in this country are in widespread use elsewhere in the world. FDA sorely needs to streamline and modernize its sunscreen review process to give consumers access to the best products possible.
In the larger picture, our system of public health protections allows the vast majority of industrial chemicals to enter commerce with no requirement for premarket safety testing, even for chemicals that will end up in the bodies of Americans from their everyday exposures to ingredients in consumer products. Many state and local organizations and coalitions like the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics are working for important changes that help close the gaps in our system of public health protections.
We not only need sunscreens guaranteed to be safe and effective, but we also sorely need policies that would require companies to document the safety of chemicals before they go on the market. And, most importantly, we need policies that would require that chemicals be safe for the fetus, infant, and other vulnerable populations — a simple, commonsense idea completely absent from current federal law. Such advances would dramatically improve our understanding of health impacts from chemical exposures, and would go a long way toward sealing the gaps that leave consumers at risk from a lifetime of exposure to chemicals.
Study Findings
Because FDA has failed to set UVA standards, many high SPF sunscreens provide only half the protection you need.
People buy high-SPF sunscreens in advance of beach vacations or long days at the pool, assuming they've purchased products that maximize sun protection. High SPF ("Sun Protection Factor") products do protect you from sunburn, the well-known skin cancer precursor caused by the sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. But these products don't necessarily block UVA radiation, the more deeply penetrating rays linked to skin aging and wrinkling, immune system suppression, and possibly skin cancer.
FDA does not require companies to provide UVA protection in sunscreen, and our analyses show that despite high SPF ratings and "broad spectrum" marketing claims, only a fraction of products provide strong UVA protection. We found poor UVA protection in 13% of high SPF products (30 and higher); in 18% of the 471 products marketed as having "broad spectrum" protection; and in 19% of sunscreens overall.
13% of high SPF products (SPF 30 and higher) have poor UVA protection
spfpackage text-->
uva rating
Neutrogena Uva/Uvb Sunblock Lotion, SPF 30
Neutrogena Sunblock Lotion, SPF 30
Bronze Sensuale Bambino Carrot Lotion SPF-30, Broad Spectrum
Bronzo Sensuale Carrot Lotion Broad Spectrum Sun Screen, SPF 30
SkinCeuticals Sport UV Defense, SPF 45
See more >>
Some sunscreens break down quickly in the sun, becoming ineffective.
It may seem counterintuitive, but of the 17 "active ingredients" that FDA has approved for use as sunscreens in the U.S., at least 4 of them break down significantly when they are exposed to sunlight. They lose their ability to absorb the sun's harmful rays, and stop working effectively in as little as 30 minutes, ranging up to several hours. They require stabilizing chemicals to remain effective.
An ideal sunscreen would be stable in the sun. Instead, nearly every active ingredient (all but zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) works by first absorbing the sun's energy so it doesn't penetrate our skin, and then releasing that captured energy by breaking apart, reacting with other chemicals in the sunscreen, or even kicking off free radicals. Some active ingredients are more stable than others, but nearly all break down to some extent in the sun.
We scoured industry studies and the peer-reviewed literature to compile information on breakdown rates of active ingredients in the sun, combinations of ingredients that accelerate breakdown, and, conversely, chemical additives that can stabilize active ingredients and make them effective longer.
Our analysis of this data against ingredients in 911 sunscreens shows that 52% of sunscreens contain ingredients known to break down individually or in combination, with no known stabilizing ingredients in the formulation.
Manufacturers are not required to produce stable products. The test used to establish a product's UVB rating accounts for stability in part, since it tests the product in simulated sunlight on human volunteers over the time needed to produce a sunburn. A product's UVA protection, however, is not subject to testing and rating, and the filters that contribute to UVA protection in a product may or may not be stable.
477 products contain sunscreens that break down in the sun, with insufficient stabilizing chemicals.
unstable ingredientspackage text-->
stability rating
Rachel Perry Calendula-Cucumber Oil-Free Moisturizer Sunblock with Echinacea, SPF 15
Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand & Nail Treatment
Ombrelle Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 15
Coppertone Sun Block Lotion SPF15
Bronzo Sensuale Carrot Lotion Broad Spectrum Sun Screen, SPF 30
See more >>
Over-the-top marketing claims — products would be misbranded if FDA finalized sunscreen standards.
With unenforceable draft guidelines in place of mandatory sunscreen standards, companies are free to use marketing terms that FDA says are confusing, and they are free to sell products that would be considered misbranded if the Agency finalized its guidance. Our analysis shows that fully 53% of sunscreens are labeled with one or more terms that FDA considers indicative of a misbranded product, terms that are just flat out "unacceptable," or terms that could "mislead consumers by inducing a false sense of security."
These include chemical-free, non-chemical, sunblock, reflects, shields from, protects from, filters, screens out, sun's rays, sun's harmful rays, help prevent skin damage, and all SPF designations greater than 30.
We found other products claiming to be sand-proof, to provide "all day" protection, and to be "as mild as water," none of which are possible in the real world. Withough labeling restrictions, consumers are left wondering what is true and what is not. Consumers can be fooled into buying products that don't deliver what they sell.
53% of sunscreens bear claims that the FDA considers unacceptable or indicative of a misbranded product
Claims about...
FDA judgment in draft sunscreen standards...
Offending claims...
Total number of products
what's in the bottle
"likely to be unacceptable" (false and misleading)
chemical-free; non-chemical;
32 products
how sunscreens protect
"could provide the wrong message and a false sense of security to some consumers"
shields from; protects from; filters; screens out; reflects; sunblock;
331 products
the kinds of sunlight sunscreens protect against
"could provide the wrong message and a false sense of security to some consumers"
sun's rays; sun's harsh rays; sun's harmful rays; burning rays;
63 products
what sunscreens protect against
"unsupportable" health claims beyond sunburn
skin aging; wrinkling; premature skin aging; photoaging; lip damage; freckling; uneven coloration; prevent skin damage;
60 products
how well and how long sunscreens protect
"could provide the wrong message and a false sense of security to some consumers"
water proof; extended wear; protects for X number of hours; all day protection; sweat proof; spf >30+;
277 products
U.S. lags behind the world in sunscreen safety and effectiveness.
FDA has approved just 17 sunscreen active ingredients for use in the U.S. In Europe 29 have been approved, including some that are more effective than those available here, particularly for blocking UVA. When FDA issued their so-called final monograph for sunscreens (which they subsequently stayed indefinitely at the request of industry), they received multiple petitions urging that they review active ingredients approved for use in Europe. The Agency replied it would "address sunscreen active ingredients that have foreign marketing experience and data at a future time," a hollow promise if their 30-year track record on developing sunscreen standards is any indication.
FDA faces pressure from industry, states, and Congress to set UVA standards and approve new UVA sunscreens to protect the public. The industry's trade association petitioned the agency to approve new UVA filters beginning in 2003 (CTFA and CHPA 2003). In a May 2007 letter to FDA's commissioner, six senators urged the agency to finish setting UVA standards for sunscreen (Dodd 2007). They reminded the Commissioner that the agency had missed the Congressisonally mandated deadline of May 2006 for finalizing the draft sunscreen standards, including new UVA standards. "We continue to find this baffling [the lack of UVA standards] since many other countries, including the European Union, have adopted sunscreen standards including UVA to protect their citizens," they wrote.
FDA has not reviewed or approved new, effective sunscreens available in other countries.






FDA review pending

















FDA review pending









FDA review pending






FDA review pending





FDA review pending








FDA review pending


Some sunscreens absorb into the blood and raise safety concerns.
Most sunscreen chemicals are far from innocuous. In sunlight some release free radicals that can damage DNA and cells, promoting skin aging and possibly raising risks for skin cancer. Some act like estrogen and may disrupt normal hormone signaling in the body, and some may build up in the body and the environment. Details of these risks are presented here.industry request for stay:

Sunscreens that break down in the sun.

The agency has spent the past 30 years drafting sunscreen standards (FDA 2007b), which it urges manufacturers to follow in their draft form, voluntarily. In lieu of enforceable standards, each sunscreen manufacturer decides on test methods, marketing claims, and the level of protection they are willing and able to provide consumers. Consumers are left wondering which of the hundreds of sunscreesn on store shelves will best protect their and their families' skin from the sun.

Most people receive more than 50 percent of their lifetime ultraviolet (UV) dose by 20 years of age. Limiting exposure to sunlight in children and teens may pay large dividends in preventing cancers later in life.

Sunscreens considered misbranded.


Break down.

Children's sunscreens that don't protect from UVA. And that don't protect from UVB.

More than one million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year, and 60,000 of these million will learn they have melanoma, the deadly form of skin cancer.

The culmination of 18 months of research, we�re releasing a first-ever, in-depth look at name-brand sunscreens, showing what�s both safe to use and effective at blocking the sun�s cancer-causing rays. We�ll be launching a free, searchable database with ratings for more than 900 name-brand products.

This new research is grounded in our review of more than 1,000 peer reviewed studies coupled with customized, product-by-product assessments of protection from both UVA and UVB radiation. We�re building it into our popular Skin Deep personal care product safety assessment database, with its core of 50 definitive toxicity and regulatory databases and a monthly search rate in excess of 1,000,000.

We�ve done this work to help people stay safe in the sun this summer. People are using more sunscreen than ever, yet skin cancer rates continue to climb in this country, with more than one million cases diagnosed every year. Doctors recommend sunscreen, but most consumers are left to wonder which is best. Some studies question whether sunscreens themselves may cause cancer, with active ingredients that can generate cancer-causing free radicals or damage DNA. Some sunscreens can disrupt hormone systems or cause skin allergies. Some products block sunburn-causing UVB radiation, but not the more deeply penetrating UVB radiation. What products are best at balancing all these factors?

We�re compiling answers to this question in a single, easy-to-use online database that guides people to sunscreen products that are both safe and effective at blocking a broad spectrum of the UV radiation linked to cancer and premature skin aging.

Your Skin.Nunc sollicitudin, orci vel suscipit bibendum, nibh sapien scelerisque nulla, eget faucibus velit dolor quis elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus at lorem quis nisl ullamcorper nonummy.Nullam ultrices metus at sem. Morbi in urna. Etiam at lectus. In dictum bibendum magna. Maecenas dolor enim, tempor porta, interdum vitae, tempus vel, sapien. Praesent pellentesque.

CTFA (Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association) and CHPA (Consumer Healthcare Products Association). 2003. Docket No. 2003N-0233: Notice of eligibility; request for data and information. Letter from Thomas J. Donegan, Jr. of CTFA and Eve E. Bachrach of CHPA to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Oct 9 2003. Accessed online July 11, 2007 at
Dodd, Christopher, Jack Reed et al. Dodd, Reed lead fight against skin cancer: Request higher standards for FDA's sunscreen labeling. Letter from Senators Dodd, Reed, Clinton, Biden, Carper, and Sanders to FDA Commissioner Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach. Accessed June 11, 2007 at
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2007. SunWise Program: Health effects of overexposure to the sun. Accessed June 11, 2007 at
FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). 2007. The darker side of tanning. CDRH Consumer Information. Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Accessed June 11, 2007 at
FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). 2007. Rulemaking History for OTC Sunscreen Drug Products. Accessed June 11, 2007 at
NIH (U.S. National Institutes of Health). 2007a. Cancer Topics: What you need to know about melanoma. Accesseed June 11 2007 at
NIH (U.S. National Institutes of Health). 2007. Cancer Topics: Skin Cancer. Accesseed June 11 2007 at
NIH (U.S. National Institutes of Health). 2007. Cancer Topics: Melanoma. Accesseed June 11 2007 at
To aid the consumer, only the most recent product formulations in the Skin Deep database have been included in this list. [[browse all sunscreens, including old formulations]]

product (formulation year) health


score sorted in descending order
1.Boscia Oil-Free Daily Hydration, SPF 15 * (2006)232
2.Kabana Skin Care Green Screen SPF 15 All Natural Sunscreen - Unscented * (2007)232
3.UV Natural SPF 15 New Formula 2007 * (2007)232
4.Badger SPF 15 * (2007)132
5.Miessence Reflect Outdoor Balm SPF15 * (2007)132
6.Lotus Moon Sage Sun Protective Creme - spf 15 * (2007)132
7.CoverBlend Concealing Treatment Makeup, Terracotta Sand, SPF 20 * (2006)422
8.Cellex-C Water Resistant Sunscreen, SPF 30 * (2006)422
9.Cellex-C Sun Care, SPF 30 * (2006)422
10.Kiss My Face Hot Spots Certified Organic Formula Sunscreen, SPF 30 (2006)322
11.ProCyte Ti-Silc Sheer, tinted, SPF 45 * (2006)322
12.ProCyte Ti-Silc Sheer Sunblock SPF 45 * (2007)322
13.Ti-Silc Sheer Waterproof UVA/UVB Sunblock, SPF 45 * (2006)322
14.Baby Blanket Faces Sunblock Lotion for Babies, SPF 45 (2006)322
15.Mustela Moderate Sun Protection Stick, SPF 20 * (2006)322
16.Pedinol Ti-Screen Sunscreen, SPF 30 (2006)322
17.Banana Boat Sport Sun Gear Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 (2007)322
18.Olay Complete Defense Daily UV Moisturizer, Sensitive Skin, SPF 30 * (2006)612
19.Solbar AVO (SPF 32) Lotion (2006)612
20.Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Sunblock Lotion (SPF 45) * (2006)612
21.Skin Effects Sun Effects Active Sunscreen Lotion SPF45 (2007)612
22.Skin Effects Sun Effects Sunscreen Lotion SPF45 (2007)612
23.MD formulations Total Protector 30 Face * (2006)512
24.Ti-Silc GT Sunblock SPF 60&, tinted * (2006)512
25.Solar Sense Face and Lip Protection Sunblock Cream, SPF 45 * (2006)512
26.DCL Essential Skin Protection, SPF 30 (2006)512
27.Sea & Ski Sunscreen, Sport, SPF 50 * (2006)512
28.MD formulations Men's Total Protector 30 * (2006)512
29.Blue Lizard Australian Suncream SPF30+ Regular * (2007)512
30.Physicians Formula Sun Shield Extra Sensitive Skin Sunblock, SPF 25 * (2005)512
31.MD formulations Total Protector Color 30, Light Tint * (2006)512
32.SkinCeuticals Sport UV Defense, SPF 45 * (2006)512
33.Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 * (2007)512
34.M.D. Forte Aftercare Environmental Protection Cream, SPF 30 * (2006)512
35.Elta Gold UV Facial, SPF 30 * (2006)512
36.Blue Lizard Australian Suncream SPF30+ Sport * (2007)512
37.Elta Swiss American Elta Gold UV Lotion Sunblock and Moisturizer, SPF 30 * (2006)512
38.KINeSYS Sunscreen Spray with Parsol 1789, SPF 30+ (2006)512
39.MD formulations Total Protector 30 * (2006)512
40.Juice Beauty Tinted Moisturizer, SPF 30 * (2006)512
41.Elta Gold UV Lotion Sunblock and Moisturizer, SPF 30+ * (2006)512
42.Somme Institute Double Defense Face and Body, SPF 30 (2005)512
43.Elta Swiss American Elta Block, SPF 32 * (2006)512
44.Banana Boat Surf Sunblock Lotion with AquaShield H2O Protection, SPF 30 * (2006)512
45.SkinCeuticals Ultimate UV Defense, SPF 30 * (2006)512
46.Sea & Ski, Faces Sensitive Skin Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50 * (2006)512
47.Alyria Corrective Protection Sunscreen, Oil Free, SPF 15 * (2006)512
48.Skin Effects Sun Effects Sunscreen Lotion SPF60 (2007)512
49.All Terrain Aqua Sport, SPF 30 * (2005)412
50.Sea & Ski Platinum Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50 * (2006)412
51.M.D. Skincare Waterproof Sunscreen with Vitamin C, SPF 30 (2006)412
52.Institut DERMed Sun Protective Cream Oil-Free, SPF 25 * (2006)412
53.Lavera Sun Spray SPF 25 * (2007)412
54.Mustela Bebe Moderate Sun Protection Lotion, SPF 25 * (2006)412
55.TYK Soleil Tiempo Moisture Defense, SPF 25 * (2006)412
56.DCL UVA/UVB Chemfree Superblock, SPF 30 * (2006)412
57.Panama Jack Surf 'n Sport Sunblock Lotion, SPF 75 * (2005)412
58.PreSun Sensitive Cream Sunblock Cream, SPF 28 * (2006)412
59.No-Ad Sport Sunblock Lotion Waterproof, SPF 50 (2006)412
60.Alba Sun Care Sport Sunscreen, Very Water Resistant SPF 30+ (2007)412
61.Lavera Sun Block Baby & Children SPF 30 * (2006)412
62.Juice Organics SPF30 Light Tint Moisturizer * (2007)412
63.Juice Beauty Sheer Moisturizer, SPF 30 * (2006)412
64.Lavera Sun Spray SPF 30 Neutral * (2006)412
65.Olay Complete Defense Daily Uv Moisturizer, SPF 30 * (2006)412
66.PreSun Cream Sensitive, SPF 28 * (2006)412
67.Olay Complete Defense Daily UV Moisturizer, Sensitive Skin, SPF 30 * (2006)412
68.NuCelle SunSense SPF30+ Sunscreen * (2007)412
69.Dr. Brandt Body Barrier Gel, SPF 30 * (2006)312
70.Peter Thomas Roth Max Tinted Protective Day Cream, SPF 30 * (2006)312
71.Topix Citrix Antioxidant Sunscreen, SPF 30 * (2006)312
72.Baby Blanket Sunblock Lotion for Babies, Titanium Dioxide Formula, SPF 50 * (2006)312
73.OBAGI NuDerm Sunblock 6 AM, SPF 24 * (2005)312
74.Dermalogica Ultra Sensitive FaceBlock, SPF 25 * (2006)212
75.Hawaiian Tropic 30 Plus Sunblock (2007)212
76.Jason Natural Cosmetics Family Sun Block, SPF 36 * (2005)602
77.Clarins Sun Care Cream for Children, SPF 30 * (2005)602
78.Coppertone Spectra3 Sunblock Lotion SPF 50 * (2007)602
79.Blue Lizard Australian Suncream Lotion, SPF 30+, Face * (2007)602
80.DermaSpa Sun Protection * (2006)502
81.Coppertone Spectra3 Sunblock Lotion, SPF 30 * (2006)502
82.Coppertone Oil-Free Sunblock Lotion, Sensitive Skin, SPF 30 * (2006)502
83.DDF Organic Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2005)502
84.Neutrogena Sunblock Lotion Sensitive Skin SPF 30 * (2007)502
85.South Beach Sun Sport Zinc Extreme Sunblock, SPF 50+ * (2005)402
86.Estion Sunscreen with Zinc, SPF 38 * (2006)402
87.Baby Blanket Sunscreen Stick for Babies, SPF/FPS 45+ * (2007)402
88.Peter Thomas Roth Ultra Lite Titanium Dioxide Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2006)402
89.Peter Thomas Roth Ultra-Lite Titanium Dioxide Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2006)402
90.OBAGI-C Rx System C SunGuard, SPF 30 * (2006)402
91.SkinCeuticals Physical UV Defense, SPF 30 * (2006)402
92.Solbar PF Liquid Sunscreen (SPF 30) (2006)402
93.Coppertone Endless Summer Ultrasheer Sunscreen Stick * (2005)311
94.KINeSYS KIDS Sunscreen Spray with Parsol 1789, SPF 30+ (2006)211
95.California Baby SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion Everyday/Year-Round * (2007)211
96.California Baby SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion Natural Bug Blend * (2007)211
97.California Baby SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion No Fragrance * (2007)211
98.Hawaiian Tropic Baby Faces Sunblock SPF 60+ With Travel Size (2007)211
99.Hawaiian Tropic Kids Sunblock SPF 60+ With Travel Size (2007)211
100.Hawaiian Tropic Baby Faces Sunblock SPF 50+ (2007)211
101.Hawaiian Tropic Ozone Sport Sunblock SPF 60+ With Travel Size (2007)211
102.Hawaiian Tropic 45 Plus Sunblock (2007)211
103.California Baby SPF 30+ Sunblock Stick No Fragrance * (2007)111
104.Lotus Moon Sage Sun Protective Creme - spf 25 * (2007)111
105.California Baby SPF 30+ Sunblock Stick Everyday/Year-Round * (2007)111
106.Fallene Total Block Cotz Waterproof Sunblock, SPF 58 * (2005)401
107.Elta Gold UV Sport Waterproof, SPF 50 * (2006)401
108.ProCyte Z-Silc Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2006)401
109.Elta UV Shield Daily Protection Oil Free, SPF 45 * (2006)401
110.Fallene Cotz Water Resistant Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin, SPF 58 * (2006)401
111.ProCyte Z-Silc plus SPF 30& * (2006)401
112.OBAGI NuDerm Healthy Skin Protection, AM, SPF 35 * (2006)401
113.OBAGI NuDerm Healthy Skin Protection -Step Six, SPF 35 * (2006)401
114.Fallene Cotz Water Resistant Sunscreen, SPF 58 * (2006)401
115.CVS Sunscreen With Zinc Oxide SPF 45+ * (2007)401
116.Cotz Sunscreen SPF 58 * (2007)401
117.Eau Thermale Avene Sunscreen Cream For Sensitive Areas SPF 50 * (2007)401
118.Peter Thomas Roth Titanium Dioxide Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2006)301
119.Mustela Bebe High Protection Sun Lotion, SPF 50 * (2006)301
120.Peter Thomas Roth Titanium Dioxide Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2006)301
121.Vanicream Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin, SPF 60 * (2006)301
122.Blue Lizard Australian Suncream, SPF 30, Sensitive * (2007)301
123.Vanicream Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin, SPF 30 * (2006)301
124.Blue Lizard Australian Suncream, SPF 30, Baby * (2007)301
125.Blue Lizard Suncream, Sensitive Skin, SPF 30 * (2006)301
126.Jason Natural Cosmetics sunbrellas SPF 30+ Mineral Based physical sunblock * (2007)301
127.OBAGI NuDerm Nu-Derm Physical UV Block Step Six, SPF 32 * (2006)301
128.Glycolix Elite Sunscreen, SPF 30 * (2006)301
129.Total Block Cover-Up SPF 60 Tinted * (2007)301
130.Total Block Sun Protection SPF 65 Clear * (2007)301
131.Lavera Sun Screen Neutral SPF 40 * (2007)201
132.Vanicream Sunscreen Sport, SPF 35 * (2006)201
133.UV Natural Sport SPF 30+ New Formula 2007 * (2007)201
134.UV Natural Adult SPF 30+ New Formula 2007 * (2007)201
135.UV Natural UV Golf / Ultra * (2007)201
136.UV Natural Baby SPF 30+ New Formula 2007 * (2007)201
137.Vanicream Sunscreen SPF 35 * (2007)201
138.ColoreScience Sunforgettable Rock and Roller Ball, SPF 30 * (2006)101
139.Badger SPF 30 * (2007)100
140.Keys Soap Solar RX Therapeutic Sunblock, SPF 30 * (2005)100

* This product contains zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide which may be nano scale. Learn more.


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